Sunday, February 27, 2011

Forgiveness--the Power of Tears and Words

 Recently I had the privilege of teaching the fifth petition to the Lord's Prayer to our confirmation students.  "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us."  Looking for resources that 7th-9th graders could enjoy, I came across this clip on youtube.  It is powerful.  Take a look.

I have been forgiven, and I have offered forgiveness.  Never have I found myself in the depths this young man portrayed with his father.  Likely I have never known the remorse of the man weeping behind an insurmountable barrier.

As Christ offered forgiveness from the cross, even to those who were taking his life, did tears stream down his face?  Do tears help to cleanse our spirits as we receive the great, good news of God's forgiveness?  We don't deserve it, but it is ours.  That is the definition of grace.


  1. That video reminds me of the story behind the movie "Heaven's Rain." Amazing!

  2. Thanks for reading, Nildie. Forgiveness is powerful, as is the grace of Christ!
