The family was gathering at the Gate H3B in O'Hare Airport, Chicago. The plane was late in arriving. Somehow, they got passes to come to the gate to welcome home a loved one.
The plane was slow in unloading. They asked a passenger if there was still a uniformed man on board. The passenger said, "Yes, he should be through the door soon."
I have no idea who John M. Kowalski is, where he came from to get to Chicago, or if he has yet to serve longer in the military. I can tell you this. He is loved.
This family exuberantly welcomed home their son, brother, nephew. Tears flowed. Hugs all around. Balloons and signs. It was joyous. John M. Kowalski doesn't know me either. But when his family saw me taking his picture, he turned around and gave me a thumbs up, wanting to share his joy.
I was at the O'Hare Airport coming home from a trip to Nicaragua with the Augsburg College Board of Regents. At about 2pm, I left 85 degrees in Managua. Somehow, God had misplaced 102 degrees somewhere along the way, and it was 17 below when I pulled into the garage at 2:30am.
The picture to the right is the first thing I saw when I walked through the door. I laughed out loud. Two more signs were awaiting me in the kitchen.
Home. It is good to be home and loved--no matter what the temperature.
In John 14 we read that Jesus is making a home, a dwelling place, a mansion for his sisters and brothers. Jesus tells us that we know the way to that home, because Jesus himself is the way. How many people have I, as a pastor, reassured with these words over a lifetime in the ministry? And those words are no less true today than when they were spoken 2000 years ago.
John M. Kowalski received a wonderful welcome home, as did I. We do, however, have an eternal welcome coming in Christ. Will there be a sign welcoming us? I don't know. I do know this: "This will be a sign for you--you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." That sign is the light of the world--the way, the truth, and the life.
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